Tuesday, February 21, 2012

NZ Travelogue Day 1 to 3

Lake Tekapo / Mt Cook

 February 14 2012.   Arrived in Christchurch. After an overnight stay at the Christchurch, we traveled to Lake Tekapo - a 3 hour drive in the Mackenzie District.

 On arrival, we were greeted with the beautiful turquoise blue lake. 
The colour of the lake is created by 'rock flour' suspended in the water. The glaciers in the headwaters of Tekapo grind rocks into fine dust on their journey down towards the lake. The flour when combined with sunlight creates the unique blue colour.

 February 16 morning 
The three musketeers - Jo, David and Gek on the summit of Mount John.
Morning tea/coffee at the Astro Cafe on the summit where one can enjoy a bird eye's view of Lake Tekapo. Local operator runs a tour to view the night skies at the Mt John Observatory but it was too cloudy the 2 nights when we were there.

Lake Pukaki
We drove by the side of this lake on way to Mt Cook. About 90km to drive from Lake Tekapo, but we enjoyed the scenery every moment.

Coming closer to Mt Cook.

 There it is. Magnificent view!
At 3754 metres, Aoraki/Mt Cook is the highest mountain in NZ.

While these 2 were enjoying the afternoon tea/coffee at an cafe, I was busy taking some arty photos like this:

Before leaving the Mt Cook National Park we drove up the Tasman Valley Road and took a steep walk up to  view the remnant of the Tasman Glacier. A pool of milky water. Very sad.

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