Tuesday, March 20, 2012

NZ Travelogue Day 16 to 18

Arthur's Pass

 It was a wet day when we left the glaciers. Had to photograph the scenery from inside the car to stay dry.
 The landscape as we drove along the west coast towards Arthur's Pass.

 As we approached Arthur's Pass, we encountered more rocky mountains.

  We had to stay indoors most of the day in the motel as the bad weather persisted the next day.  But managed to squeeze in some photo shots in the late afternoon.

Kea - the noisy bird which like things made of rubber. And these birds are fearless.

 Glad to leave the bad weather behind in Arthurs' Pass.
We were on the way to close the loop which started from Christchurch 18 days ago.
Seems like that we driving towards the cloud. Looking forward to brighter weather beyond the cloud.

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