Thursday, March 22, 2012

NZ Travelogue Day 18

Christchurch Botanic Garden. There was a Festival of Flowers in the Gardens with many installations related to the recent earthquarkes in the city. Messages of wishes and hopes were hung around this tree.

There are over 100 species of roses in the Botanic Gardens.  This is ROSA NEW ZEALAND.

This hybrid has both yellow and spotten pink flowers on the same branch.

I was very fascinated by the various types of dahlias in the garden. How different they are!

The only place we visited in Christchurch was the Gardens. Didn't want to see the 'ruins' of the Cathedral. As we drove round the outskirts of city, (not even the centre which was greatly affected by the quakes),  quite a number of damaged buildings met our eyes. Very sad.
Motels around the city have no vacancies as they are occupied by residents whose houses were being rebuilt or repaired or Engineers and builders who are working on the restoration of the buildings.

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